Notice of a public


Decision Session - Executive Member for Finance and Performance


Meeting to be held in consultation with the Executive Member for

Housing and Safer Neighbourhoods (for agenda item 4 Financial Inclusion/Welfare Benefits Update Report )




Councillor Ayre (Executive Member for Finance and Performance) and Cllr Craghill (Executive Member for

Housing and Safer Neighbourhoods)



Monday, 18 January 2021



2.00 pm



Remote Meeting







Notice to Members – Post Decision Calling In:


Members are reminded that, should they wish to call in any item* on this agenda, notice must be given to Democratic Services by 4:00pm on 20 January 2021.


*With the exception of matters that have been the subject of a previous call in, require Full Council approval or are urgent which are not subject to the call-in provisions. Any items that are called in will be considered by the Customer and Corporate Services Scrutiny Management Committee.




Written representations in respect of items on this agenda should be submitted to Democratic Services by 5:00pm on Thursday 14 January 2021.




1.          Declarations of Interest 



At this point in the meeting, the Executive Members are asked to


·        any personal interests not included on the Register of


·        any prejudicial interests or

·        any disclosable pecuniary interests

which they may have in respect of business on this agenda.




2.          Minutes 

(Pages 1 - 6)


To approve and sign the minutes of the Decision Sessions held on 3 December 2020 and 14 December 2020.




3.          Public Participation 



At this point in the meeting members of the public who have

registered to speak can do so. Members of the public may

speak on agenda items or on matters within the remit of the

committee. The deadline for registering at this meeting is at 5.00pm on Thursday 14 January 2021.


To register to speak please visit to fill out an online

registration form. If you have any questions about the

registration form or the meeting please contact the Democracy

Officer for the meeting whose details can be found at the foot of

the agenda.


Webcasting of Remote Public Meetings

Please note that, subject to available resources, this remote

public meeting will be webcast including any registered public

speakers who have given their permission. The remote public

meeting can be viewed live and on demand at


During coronavirus, we've made some changes to how we're

running council meetings. See our coronavirus updates

( for more information on

meetings and decisions.








4.          Financial Inclusion/Welfare Benefits Update Report 



This report provides portfolio Executive Members with the Financial/Welfare Benefits 2019/20 outturn report and the 2020/21 mid-term position including:

·        the ongoing impact of Coronavirus as well recent welfare benefits changes in York, including Universal Credit, and importantly the support available for residents in dealing with these challenges;

·        an update on benefits statistics and performance as administered by the council including the York Financial Assistance Scheme;

·        other financial inclusion (FI)  activity during 2020/21 including delivery of FI grant schemes.

[Report to follow]






5.          Health & Safety Update Report 

(Pages 7 - 20)


This report provides the Executive Member for Finance & Performance with:

·        the Health & Safety (H&S) 2019/20 outturn and the 2020/21 mid-term report from the Head of Health & Safety;

·        an update on the action being taken to address the risks raised in the report;

·        key areas of work for 2021;

·        client overview of the performance of Health & Safety (H&S) shared service formed by North Yorkshire County Council (NYCC) and City of York Council (CYC) which operates under a partnership agreement. 




6.          Urgent Business 



Any other business which the Executive Members consider

urgent under the Local Government Act 1972.




Democracy Officer:

Name: Angela Bielby

Telephone: (01904) 552599



For more information about any of the following, please contact the Democracy Officer responsible for servicing this meeting:

·        Registering to speak

·        Business of the meeting

·        Any special arrangements

·        Copies of reports and

·        For receiving reports in other formats


Contact details are set out above.




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